User Access Management

How to invite and manage users on your Village Network


This section walks you through how to invite and configure different user types within Village. There are two distinct user roles within your Village Network: 'Admin' and 'User.'

Thanks to Village’s customization, white-labeling and API integrations, for the most part, you’re able to control the degree to which an end-user understands that they are interacting with Village’s technology when using your platform: not at all (ie. Village is totally invisible to end users), all the way to having a direct interaction with Village.

User Types

Admin Role

You and your team members. Admins have the ability to create and manage incentive structures, send comms, invite users, or configure your network settings. Note that only super-admins are able to invite other admin users, configure the settings of the network itself, including suspending or deleting the network.

User Role

These are the end-users of your platform or business. Users could include customers, suppliers, workers, contractors, freelancers, etc.

Inviting Users

There are currently two ways to add users to your Village Network:

1. Manual Invite

To invite users manually:

  1. Navigate to Home -> Side Menu -> Users

  2. Click the purple 'Add User' button on the right of the screen.

  3. This opens an 'Invite User' modal where you can add users directly by email.

  4. Click the '+' button to add additional user emails.

  5. Select the role ('User' or 'Admin') for each user.

  6. Click 'Submit' to send invite emails to these users.

2. Automatic Account Creation

The User Status API enables the automatic creation of users on your Village Network. This is typically the most efficient way to create users, especially in scenarios where many users need to be created or users need to be added to Village once your initial setup is complete.

During implementation, we can work with you to backfill existing users in bulk. Please reach out to for questions.

Accruing Balances While Invite Pending

When you invite a user to Village, Village will automatically begin storing relevant information on that user’s incentives balance, even if the user has not yet completed the signup process. This is useful if a user starts to accrue balances before they have completed the signup process.

Assigning Roles

You can assign the following roles to users in your Village Network:

  • Superadmin: Has privileges to make edits to the overall Network, including inviting other admin users.

  • Admin: Can create and manage user incentives, send communications, and view Network data.

  • Users: These are end-users or customers on your platform.

Managing Users

User Status

When you've invited a user, they will have a status indicating their onboarding progress:

  • Invited (Pending): The user has been invited but has not yet accepted the invitation.

  • Accepted: The user has accepted the invitation and is able to actively participate on the platform. Please note that any automatically created users will be in this status by default.

Changing User Status

You can remove or suspend users, or change their roles from within the 'Users' section of the Admin Dashboard:

  • Remove: Permanently delete a user from your Village Network.

  • Suspend: Temporarily disable a user's access to your Village Network.

Change User Role

You can change a user's role at any time within the 'Users' section of the Admin Dashboard.

Last updated