Time Conditions

Defining when a rule is active


Active Dates

Time conditions restricts the operation of a rule or program to defined dates and/or times.

Only activity done, transactions made, or goals that are satisfied, within the specified active time period will cause the rule to successfully be evaluated. For example, if a sales rule is only active between June 15th and June 21st, sales made outside this period will not cause the rule to execute.

Time Zones

It's important that you configure the timezone to ensure this condition applies to the correct dates and times. If you wish to create programs or rules across multiple timezones, you'll need to create individual rules for each timezone.

Active dates versus trigger-level time conditions

Active dates simply specify when a program or rule will take effect. If you wish to set dates or times in which an activity will create a trigger or goal to evaluate, set a Qualifying Time when creating a trigger such as an Action or Goal.

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