How to connect Village Labs' Meeting Transcription to your Zoom account.
How Zoom transcription works
To connect your Zoom account to our meeting transcription, you'll be making a simple OAuth connection from the Village Labs Network Manager that will connect the approved Village Labs Zoom app to your account.
Once this is done, our Notetaker will automatically ask to join your Zoom meetings. You'll be able to admit or deny the bot to the meeting.
Once the meeting has finished, Village Labs will automatically create a summary of the meeting which will be available in the 'Meetings' section of the Village app.
Sharing settings: Meeting Summaries are not automatically added to the sources used to generate Updates such as the Individual & Team Updates or Need to Know Updates.
Meeting Summaries can be approved on a meeting-by-meeting basis to be used as a source for other reports, or you can set some meetings to be used as a source in these reports by default.
You're also able to remove particular summaries if they contain sensitive materials.
Please note we also have
How to add the Zoom app
Step 1. Zoom OAuth Connection
We use OAuth to connect your Zoom account to the Village Labs Zoom app.
Login to the Village Network admin using Google Single Sign-on: https://app.villagelabs.net/
Navigate to the Network Manager https://app.villagelabs.net/networks/{network-name}/management
In the side menu, go to 'Data' > 'Zoom'
Click Connect Zoom app and follow the OAuth connection steps. Note: if you have multiple Zoom accounts, it is very important that you connect to the right account for your company or organization.
You'll see a success message. Please reach out to your Village account rep if there are any issues.
Once successfully connected, you should see a list of your scheduled Zoom meetings on the Meetings tab of the Village Labs app.
How to remove the Zoom app
Login to the Village Network admin using Google Single Sign-on: https://app.villagelabs.net/
Navigate to the Network Manager https://app.villagelabs.net/networks/{network-name}/management
In the side menu, go to 'Data' > 'Zoom'
Click disconnect Zoom app. This will remove the Zoom app from your Zoom account and the Village Labs app will no longer have access to or join your Zoom meetings.
You can always reconnect the app in future.
Last updated
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