

  • A Notion account with sufficient access to the Workspace & Pages you wish to sync with Village Labs.

Generating the credentials

  1. Go to to start the api key process.

  2. Click "New Integration"

    1. Leave the integration type as Internal

    2. Select the workspace you want the integration to access

    3. Give it the name "village-connect"

    4. Click Submit

  1. Show and copy your integration secret. If you ever refresh your integration secret, we will need to update it in Village for the connection to continue to work.

  2. Select the Capabilities panel and give the integration the following permissions. Click Save Changes when you're done.

  1. For each Top-level Page or Teamspace you want to have connected to Village Labs, you'll need to enable the integration. Note that you only need to add Village to the top-level Pages or Teamspaces that are nested directly under your Workspace. Everything that is in turn nested within these Pages or Teamspaces will also get connected. See the how-to guide here:

Information required for the Village connection:

  • token: The integration secret you generated earlier

  • start_date: Sync pages starting from this date

Last updated