

  • A Linear account with sufficient access to the workspace & projects you wish to sync with Village Labs.

Generating the credentials

  1. Go to{workspace-name}/settings/api to start the api key process.

    • Alternatively, go to and navigate to the workplace settings in the top left corner. Then, navigate to the API section.

  1. Create a new API key. First give it a label like "village-integration", then click "Create new API key".

  1. IMPORTANT: Your API key is automatically copied to your clipboard once it's created. You won't be able to view it later, so please save it somewhere secure now.

Information required for the Village connection:

  • auth_token: The personal API key you generated earlier

  • start_date: Date of the first record to synchronize, in a ISO8601 format (eg. 2024-01-01)

  • workspace_name: Workspace identifier, used in your workspace URL (ie.[my-workspace] -> my-workspace)

Last updated