
How to connect your Ashby instance.


  • An Ashby account with sufficient permissions

Important note: the scope of the data which will be synchronized to Village is defined by the user behind the API key. We recommend that you create a service account which will have the right permissions, ie. no access to sensitive tasks/data.

Generating the credentials

Log in as the service account which will make the API key, and go to the API settings page.

Click on "New" to make a new API key.

The scope required for a Village connection is the following:

Note on the read/write API key permission: Village relies on both the standard Ashby API, and webhook data to synchronize your activity. When the connection is made, webhooks will be created, as can be seen here. Please do not disable them, as Village would become unable to get real-time notifications of your activity.

The read permission on API keys is required for us to be able to verify the creation of these webhooks, as well as clean them up if the connection needs to be deleted.

No other write permission is required, Village will not be making any write operation on your data.

Information required for the Village connection:

  • api_key: the API key generated above

  • start_date: the date of the first document that should be synchronized. No document updated before that will be synchronized. Format: ISO8601 date, ie. 2024-05-01T00:00:00Z

Last updated